Experience Germany digitally
The digital concept for the Day of German Unity enabled users to experience the 30th anniversary of the German national holiday from many different perspectives and in all its facets, even in times of social distancing and contact restrictions. By implementing a testimonial, the TDE had a digital identification figure and managed to convey content emotionally to the community in real time.
The "mobile first" planned website as the digital centerpiece with interactive features combined with coherently orchestrated digital content in the social networks and on the LED steles on site made the Day of German Unity 2020 in Potsdam a digital experience.
EinheitsEXPO - Open-air exhibition
Under the motto "30 years - 30 days - 30 x Germany", the citizens' festival with 750,000 planned visitors transformed into the spatially and temporally equalized EinheitsEXPO. For 30 days, the federal states, constitutional bodies, the commission "30 Years of Peaceful Revolution and German Unity" and other partners presented themselves with installations, exhibits and versatile "city cubes" in Potsdam's city center. This is how the new event format EinheitsEXPO was created in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Potsdam as a spacious open-air exhibition area.
All content was digitally mirrored on the website and the official social media channels. In this way, the AHA rules and physical distancing were enforced responsibly. Anna Loos and Günther Jauch hosted the official ceremony on October 3. ARD and ZDF broadcast the birthday celebrations for German unity live from the "Metropolis Halle", while the online live stream allowed interested parties from all over Germany to take part in the festivities.

UnityEXPO digital experience
The German Unity Day website was the focal point of the digital experience for citizens. Dynamic features such as the TDE quiz, the interactive 360° tour of Potsdam and the timeline through 30 years of German history made the most important German public holiday a digital experience and brought historical events to life in a way that was sometimes playful, sometimes educational and informative.

Virtual tour
Citizens from all over Germany took part in the Day of German Unity virtually via 360° POV video content and timelapse videos. The interactive event map was used to digitally walk through the various stations and thus experience the full diversity of Germany digitally and live on site.

The red thread... I mean, frame
The entire media production around the Day of German Unity was accompanied by brot & salz in real time every day. The video and photo content was streamed live on site or prepared overnight and published on the website and social media channels. The red frame from the logo visual wandered through the city. The result was an inclusive and unifying civic dialog with a wide reach under the hashtag #wirmiteinander.
Especially in times when people had to miss each other again due to the coronavirus and longed for a sense of community and closeness, it was all the more important to use the power of reunification, probably the most formative event in German post-war history, to send a signal of continuity and hope:

"We are not alone. Together we can do anything and overcome even the most difficult trials. We with each other"