Take the next step
In September 2016, the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science's part-time continuing education program moved into a central location in the heart of Berlin. In future, the further education measures for teachers, nursery school teachers and part-time studies for lateral entrants to the teaching profession in Berlin schools will be carried out at this location.
For the opening of the study center, the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science commissioned brot & salz to find a memorable name and a striking logo. After successful implementation, the dramaturgical staging and documentation of the opening ceremony was placed in our hands.
Take the next level
The acronym StEPS stands for Study Center for Education, Pedagogy and Schools. The triad of disciplines offered in education, pedagogy and school reflects the content orientation of the new study center in its entirety. Short, self-explanatory and comprehensive, StEPS reflects the subject matter, teaching, but also the school profile, staff development at the school and further education in these areas.
The journey is the destination
Step by step, StEPS trainees achieve career advancement through their newly acquired skills. A step towards their goal. A step towards the next level. A stair tread (also known as a step or tread) is the single element of a staircase. A step is used to easily overcome height differences. This gradient is abstracted by the design language of the logo frame. The cursive font of the StEPS logotype sets the direction, expresses dynamism and introduces the process of ascent.
"We meet at the StEPS"
It has been shown that the brevity of the name is extremely catchy and easy to say: "I'm doing my training at StEPS" or "Let's meet later at StEPS" are phrases that trainees have quickly internalized and are happy to say in their everyday lives. The name StEPS expresses what the center's target group expects: Modernity and a professional educational offering.
Even the longest way
begins with a first step
In the communication leading up to the opening of the StEPS, the name of the study center was deliberately withheld. On the day of the opening ceremony, the name and orientation of the center was announced live in front of the press and media representatives by the Senator for Education, Youth and Science, Sandra Scheeres (SPD), and could be experienced in the individual areas of the study center through different space, sound and light concepts.