Introduction to online marketing
The term online marketing covers all sales and marketing measures that are carried out using the internet. This includes online advertising, the online product range, video marketing and the analysis of customer data. This data helps companies to recognize customer wishes more quickly and to act in a customer-oriented manner. The basic principle of online marketing or online advertising is the networking of measures and offers. A major advantage of online marketing over traditional marketing is the more precise and timely evaluation of customer purchasing behavior.
Your website as the linchpin
The website is the linchpin of online marketing. It serves the positive external presence of a company and is aimed at the relevant target group. The main focus of the company's own website is on the company's services as well as on more detailed information that improves the understanding of the individual services. It also documents business successes, introduces contact persons from various business areas and presents the company's latest news.
Websites can also serve as a distribution network. Product manufacturers, for example, draw attention to retailers or provide other retailers with data materials. This helps to improve the sales of online stores or partner sites. The use of own sales platforms or entries in search engines is also part of the online marketing sales strategy. This also includes so-called microsites. These address specific customer groups with in-depth or exclusive information and increase their interest in the service or product.
The spell of advertising
Websites define their success through visitor numbers. Various measures are required to keep traffic and interactions at a high level. Banner advertising in particular is an important means of increasing awareness of the online offering. This is mainly done on the better-known and large search engines, but social networks are also becoming increasingly important in this context, and the costs for banner advertising are made up of the frequency of the search term entered and the calculated number of clicks.
The costs for banner advertising are made up of the frequency of the search term entered and the calculated number of clicks. Through user tracking and the use of cookies, companies can display banner ads in a performance and customer-specific manner in places where the target group is most likely to notice them. However, if the potential customer feels annoyed by the banner advertising, they can now suppress it using an adblocker.
Online Marketing with the search engine
Search engine marketing aims to improve the ranking of the company's website in the respective search engine. Correct indexing enables crawlers to list the website under the desired search term. The content of the website must be of high quality and correct so that search engines classify it as relevant. Links such as banner ads and hyperlinks are another important indicator for increasing relevance and improving the ranking.
Emails as an effective online marketing tool
Email marketing is a form of direct marketing. Customers are either automatically or directly added to a newsletter mailing list. To keep customers interested in buying, companies regularly send promotional emails. These draw attention to certain promotions or special offers or encourage customers to visit the website again.
Tape It
The continued success of video platforms is making the placement of video advertising increasingly interesting for manufacturing companies. Advertisers thus achieve a strong potential reach to effectively distribute their products and offers. Here, too, companies measure the success of advertising through click figures and interactions.
Be Social
Using social media platforms is an absolute must-have tool in an integrated advertising strategy. Companies create profiles or pages on which customers can show their interest in the company, product or service by sending a friend request or a like. The focus here is on transparency and accessibility. Customers can use this tool to ask the provider direct questions or comment on services, products or the company itself.
The platforms of the social media channels also make it possible to display specific and precisely tailored advertising banners. This is done depending on user data or interests. In particular, brand advertising or the promotion of products can lead to great success through intelligent, resource-efficient ad management.